Thanks for Checking Out Bethany Church
We look forward to meeting you on Sunday at 10:30 AM!
450 S Ivy St.
Canby, OR 97013
A Multi-generational Church Family: We begin our worship service with everyone altogether – kids and adults – as we sing and read Scripture. We love having the littlest preschoolers all the way through elementary students with us in the service. We believe that they are not part of the future church, but are part of the church now. There might be a little more noise, wiggling in seats, and giggling but we are okay with that! It’s a joy to hear their little voices joined with all the generations as we sing to our great God together. We also have a Mother’s Room just across the hall with a live feed of the service, a clean carpet for crawling, comfortable couch, and toys for playing with should your little one need additional room to move about.
A Great Sunday School Program: We have a wonderful nursery and Sunday School program offered during our service for infants through sixth grade. While our littlest ones will play and be cared for by our loving volunteers, our teachers and staff will lead your older children through Christ-centered curriculum that seeks to find Jesus in every story of the Bible. The first Sunday of each month is Family Sunday with kids staying in the service with their family.
A Gospel-Centered Worship Service: We firmly believe that the Gospel changes everything and it is the center of all that we do at Bethany Church. Because of God’s great grace for us, we are able to love, learn, serve, and grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. Our worship, Scripture readings, and prayer all point us in gratitude to the One who has graciously redeemed us and calls us His own.
Relevant Systematic Bible Teaching: Our sermon series are exegetical as we go through a book of the Bible thoroughly to understand the author’s intent, what was going on in the culture, where Jesus is revealed, and how we can be changed by the hearing and preaching of His word. We believe each book of the Bible continually points us back to the Gospel and reveals God’s glory to us.
A Church IN the Community FOR the Community: We are not just located IN Canby, but want to be FOR Canby. We love our town and want to see God work in Canby for His glory. We humbly seek to serve our neighbors and show them the grace and love we have so generously been given.
An Emphasis on Growth Group Ministry: The Christian life is meant to be lived in community. The best way to get plugged in at Bethany Church is through one of our Growth Groups that meet at various times and locations in and around Canby. This smaller setting offers a relaxed atmosphere to pray together, ask questions, and go deeper as we study His Word and discuss the sermon together.